Repetition Image Hover Effects

A simple and fun hover effect with repeated image layers that get scaled up and down.

The other day, I encountered a very interesting animation. It’s kind of a repetition effect on an image where the same gets scaled, layer by layer. This is Eva Habermann’s website where this element has that exact effect:

While this is a scroll based animation, there was also a hover effect somewhere, I just can’t recall where! If you’ve seen it, please let me know so that I can add it here. Found it! The amazing site of Dormeuil shows this effect on click, not hover:

There are some interesting parameters that we can play with in order to create different touches, all with a unique look and feel, so this is what I came up with, hope you enjoy it!

The way that we can define the parameters is as follows:

	class="image image--style-3" 
	data-repetition data-repetition-elems="6" 
	data-repetition-origin="150% 100%" 

We make the following structure out of this:

<div class="image image--style-3" style="background-image: none; transform-origin: 150% 100%; transform: translate(0px, 0px);">
    <div class="image__wrap">
        <div class="image__element" style="background-image: url(11.jpg); transform-origin: 150% 100%; transform: translate(0px, 0px);"></div>
    <div class="image__element" style="background-image: url(11.jpg); transform: translate(0px, 0px);"></div>
    <div class="image__element" style="background-image: url(11.jpg); transform: translate(0px, 0px);"></div>
    <div class="image__element" style="background-image: url(11.jpg); transform: translate(0px, 0px);"></div>
    <div class="image__element" style="background-image: url(11.jpg); transform: translate(0px, 0px);"></div>
    <div class="image__element" style="background-image: url(11.jpg); transform: translate(0px, 0px);"></div>

Then we animate the “image_element” divs according to the parameters set.

Here’s a short explanation of the parameters:

// this is so that we know we have to apply the effect

// number of inner elements/images

// property to animate: scale, scaleX, scaleY 

data-repetition-origin="50% 50%" 	
// transform origin

// GSAP animation stagger value between each inner image

// this is the initial scale that is applied to the first inner child

// animation duration

// animation ease

There’s lots of things to experiment with here, so I hope you can use this to have some fun with it!

Here’s our first example:

The main idea is to have repeated layers of the same image and do something to them, like scale them up and down, like in this case. There’s a little twist added here, which is that the first and last layer also have a zoom effect on the image. Changing the transform origin, can also add a nice touch to it:

I really hope you enjoy this and find it useful!

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Manoela Ilic

Manoela is the main tinkerer at Codrops. With a background in coding and passion for all things design, she creates web experiments and keeps frontend professionals informed about the latest trends.

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