A Look Back at 2017: Round-up of Codrops Resources

A look back at all Codrops resources of 2017. Thank you all for supporting us!

2017 was yet another incredible year for web designers and developers! We’de like to invite you to a quick look back at all our resources we’ve released this year. The round-up contains all demos we’ve created in 2017, together with our talented contributors! We are very much looking forward to the next year and hope it brings much inspiration and evolution. We wish you a healthy 2018 and encourage you to make a difference. Let’s be bold and fearless, let’s turn this new year into a milestone of change!

From all our hearts, we thank our amazing readers, supporters, contributors and sponsors! Have a wonderful new year full of good vibes, kindness and love. Make it count!

With love,
Pedro, Manoela & little Lucas

Manoela Ilic

Manoela is the main tinkerer at Codrops. With a background in coding and passion for all things design, she creates web experiments and keeps frontend professionals informed about the latest trends.

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  1. Happy New year! I love you guys and all your wonderful work. You’ve been a wonderful inspiration to me and my team. Thank you for all your contributions. God richly bless you 🙂

  2. High quality and immense inspiration. Thank you for sharing your ideas. Outstanding work. Keep on working like this and continue motivating for the not always easy creative development.

  3. thanks for all the inspiration u made in me thanks alot keep going people cant find much like u who like this job with hearth 🙂