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Today we’d like to share a couple of simple styles and effects for website notifications. There are a lot of ways to show an unobtrusive message to a user: from the classic growl-like notification to a bar at the top of the viewport. There’s really no limit to making creative notification styles and effects but you should keep in mind to not overdo it if you don’t want to make your user fall off a chair when he gets a notification 🙂 If you want the notification to be a discreet message to the user, keep simplicity and subtlety in mind for the effect of appearance and also the disappearance.
In this small set of notification style variations our aim was to do exactly that. We use CSS animations for showing and hiding the notifications. Some of them are preceded by a dummy loading animation, which could be a nice idea for specific actions that require some time in a system (i.e. saving, sending a message, etc.).
Note that the effects will only work in browsers that support CSS animations and 3D transforms.
There are several issues in IE: Animating the stroke-dashoffset of the SVG path for the circular loading animation using a CSS animation does not work. There also seems to be some kind of problem with the flipping animation that is at the bottom of the page (if it’s at the top it seems to work). The genie effect does not work because IE seems to have trouble with the translation value being in percentage.
Firefox (Win) does not seem to like box shadows when flipping things, but we’ve left it nonetheless in the bouncy flip effect because it looks so neat in all the other browsers.
We’ve used some great resources that helped creating the effects:
- Some animations were made with the help of bounce.js for some jelliness and bounciness in some of the effects.
- Snap.svg was used for animating/morphing the shape for the corner effect.
- One of SpinKit’s animations was used for the loading/spinning effect that precedes one of the notification styles.
- An adapted Animate.css animation was used for the bouncy flip effect.
The icons used in some of the demos are from the Linecons icon set and the web font was created with the IcoMoon App.
Note that this for inspiration purposes only (although you’ll find a very simple notification script that you might find useful for your own implementation). There are plenty of great plugins and scripts for notifications out there, which one suits you best depends of course on what you intend to do and in which context.
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And here’s how we are using the effects. We’ve created a little notification script and, as an example, it can be added like this:
// create the notification var notification = new NotificationFx({ // element to which the notification will be appended // defaults to the document.body wrapper : document.body, // the message message : '<p>This is a message</p>', // layout type: growl|attached|bar|other layout : 'growl', // effects for the specified layout: // for growl layout: scale|slide|genie|jelly // for attached layout: flip|bouncyflip // for other layout: boxspinner|cornerexpand|loadingcircle|thumbslider // ... effect : 'slide', // notice, warning, error, success // will add class ns-type-warning, ns-type-error or ns-type-success type : 'error', // if the user doesn´t close the notification then we remove it // after the following time ttl : 6000, // callbacks onClose : function() { return false; }, onOpen : function() { return false; } }); // show the notification;
This creates the following division:
<div class="ns-box ns-growl ns-effect-slide ns-type-notice ns-show"> <div class="ns-box-inner"> <p>This is a message</p> </div> <span class="ns-close"></span> </div>
The default styles for the notifications can be found in ns-default.css which we include for every effect. Individual effects are in the single style sheets, i.e. ns-style-growl.css. If only one effect would be in use, you’d of course just use the rules needed for the style/effect.
An example for a layout and effect style is the following:
/* Growl-style layout */ .ns-growl { top: 30px; left: 30px; max-width: 300px; border-radius: 5px; } .ns-growl p { margin: 0; line-height: 1.3; } /* For hiding the notification, we'll simply reverse the applied animation by default */ [class^="ns-effect-"].ns-growl.ns-hide, [class*=" ns-effect-"].ns-growl.ns-hide { animation-direction: reverse; } /* Scale effect */ .ns-effect-scale { background: #67c58f; box-shadow: 0 25px 10px -15px rgba(0,0,0,0.05); } .ns-effect-scale a { color: #1f8a4c; } .ns-effect-scale a:hover, .ns-effect-scale a:focus { color: #fff; } .ns-effect-scale .ns-close::before, .ns-effect-scale .ns-close::after { background: #1f8a4c; } .ns-effect-scale .ns-close:hover::before, .ns-effect-scale .ns-close:hover::after { background: #fff; } .ns-effect-scale.ns-show, .ns-effect-scale.ns-hide { animation-name: animScale; animation-duration: 0.25s; } @keyframes animScale { 0% { opacity: 0; transform: translate3d(0,40px,0) scale3d(0.1,0.6,1); } 100% { opacity: 1; transform: translate3d(0,0,0) scale3d(1,1,1); } }
We hope you enjoyed these little ideas and find them inspiring!
Very cool notification
Wow!, that’s sweet mary!
Keep producing awesome visual effect. Nice!
Wow! Nice Ideas.
Brilliant and inspiring <3 Thank you!
Lovely job as always!
incredibly cool demo, as usual. i personally hope to see web notifications everywhere soon, not pretty (so far), but powerful.
Muito bom!
Por favor, não deixe esse blog de lado… vocês inspiram muita gente por ai!
Excellent Demos…. Keep up the good work..!!!!
Epic! The thumb slider is a “must-have” for sites with member registration and internal messages. And works fine on IE 11.
Thank you!
Best stuffs like always 🙂
WohohohHohoho..inspirationo, fantastico…excellento excellento ;))
Pure Awesomeness!!!!!
Very impressive 🙂
Mary Lou I love you <3
Nicely done!
Mary Lou, I realy love you!
This is really cool, I just loved it.
Going to use in my current project.
Fantastic Work!
Or it should be: MARYveLOUs!
These are literally so awesome. Codrops is the only site I can come to expect quality every time from! Using in my next project.
These are great! I can’t believe internet explorer is so backword in terms of displaying CSS! It’s really frustrating because quite a few people still use it!
But it doesn’t seem to be working in Chrome. Should I turn off any of Chrome’s experimental features?
Works for me in Chrome Version 36.0.1985.125 on OS X 10.9.4
@Dewey It was a graphics card issue, has been resolved now 😉
Absolutely love these notifications, particularly the “Slide on Top”, my only disappointment is that they don’t seem to stack if you have multiple. Does anyone have any ideas on getting that to work?
great Mary! i really like you! 🙂
I’ve got this when the slidetop hide in console.. “Uncaught NotFoundError: Failed to execute ‘removeChild’ on ‘Node’: The node to be removed is not a child of this node.” Whats wrong?
Why not use Greensock for all of your animations? lean mean and easy to use.
Really fantastic work!!!!
Just a question, I’m not good at scripting and I’m trying to create the notification at window.onload/document.onload, but not a clue how to do it….any tip?
I need this too, at window.onload notification with this cool style, please any help will be appreciated.
Love these notifications but my disappointment is that how can we run multiple notification on the same time. like you have done on:
I want to run two to three notification at the same time, please help.
I need to dispatch 3 or 4 on load with transition delays, too … did you find a solution for multiple instances ?
Hi, this codes very good, thanks.
but I ask question. This Notications not work in telephone browser (for example: Samsung S3, HTC onex, Iphone…). Can you solve this problem. Notification opens but not close.
In IE9 the childNode does not get removed after ttl completes. To fix, change
>> self.options.wrapper.removeChild( this );
>> self.ntf.parentNode.removeChild( self.ntf );
Thanks for this fix
Had the issue with google chrome, this fixed it , thanks ! 🙂
Ehi! Great job, but I’m trying to show notification on page load, and so not with click on button.
How can I do this?
I hope in yours support!!!
How do you guys make such quality content? I’m amazed to find such an amazing site!
I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get these to function Onload rather than the button on click. Anyone?
How can we implement this on ‘$( window ).load(function(){}’?
add these lines:
var notification = new NotificationFx({ ttl: 6000, type: 'notice', layout: 'growl', effect: 'slide', message: '<p>Your Message Here.</p>' });;
Nice script!
How can I make this work with window.onload notification? Please provide me such example.
//This is for stacking those notifications with the thumbnail etc
var margin = 90;
margin = parseInt($(‘div.ns-box’).first().css(‘margin-top’).replace(‘px’,”)) + parseInt(70);
this.ntf = document.createElement( ‘div’ ); = margin + ‘px’;
// this is for removing div.ns-box after hiding
setTimeout( function() {
self.ntf.parentNode.removeChild( self.ntf );
}, this.options.ttl / 2);
For those who wondered how to stack notifications. I only used it on the one with thumbnail
What is this.ntf?
Never mind, I see now that ntf = notification, had a look in notificationFX.js.
Here’s my solution for stacking notifications:
for(i=1; i <= $('.ns-box').length; i++){
These are super cool!
Close button position off-canvas on Firefox 28.0 .
Great work anyway
as allways
I am using the bouncy flip, it works and shows fine. Only thing is that I’m not sure why I’m not able to get the same bouncy effect as shown in the demo. I’m not able to get the bouncy effect to work. I’m displaying the notification on a delay after page load.
no worries, figured it out. typo in config.
If you want to make it support multiple notifications add:
position: relative; float: left;
to the .ns-box rule of ns-default.css (line 3) and remove the
position: fixed;
from it.
Doesn’t seem to work for me, it puts the notification 30 pixels before the top of the screen.
Did you manage to make it work?
Just an FYI, the CSS has a couple of typos on the animScaleUp keyframes: both the 100% states are down as opacity 1 (missing the colon). Just had grunt throw a couple of SASS errors at me!!
Amazing plugin though!!
There is a bug in the downloadable code for the Thumb Slider effect. It seems the thumbnail image disappears for just a moment when preparing to animate out. Changing file ns-style-other.css lines 446 & 447 from ‘both’ to ‘forward’ fixes it. This bug is only in the downloaded code.
Awesome stuff though, as usual. Thanks for sharing 🙂
really awesome thanks!
Hello Mary,
Your work looks great and the result looks very nice on my website
But I have discovered a little bug on my job which I can not explain. If I switch on an other the panel in my browser (firefox 40.0) when the pop-up message is showed, when I come back later, the pop-up message is fixed and the click on the close cross button do nothing.
Can you explain me this behaviour ?
Thanks you very much
Meet this problem too! Any advise?
Wow, great job! Thanks for that! I’ll be using these on my website! Once it’s done I’ll credit you! 🙂
I want the notification to auto popup (without pushing the button). Is it possible ? Thanks.