Calendario: A Flexible Calendar Plugin

A jQuery calendar plugin for creating flexible calendars.

Calendario: A Flexible Calendar Plugin

Today we want to share a flexible calendar concept with you. Calendars can be a very tricky thing when it comes to their layout and responsiveness. This is an experiment for trying out some grid layouts that can be applied to calendars. We’ve created a jQuery plugin for the calendar itself and you can see some examples of how to use it in the demos. The aim is to provide a suitable layout for both, small and big screens and keeping the calendar structure fluid when possible. On large screens we want to show a grid-based layout while on smaller screens, we want to simply stack the days of the month.

Please note that the demos will only work as intended in browsers that support the new CSS properties used here, especially calc().

The calendar designs are based on these two beauties found on Dribbble:

For the calendar plugin to work, we simply need a container with the class “fc-calendar-container”:

<div id="calendar" class="fc-calendar-container"></div>

The plugin can be called like this:

$( '#calendar' ).calendario();

The plugin will create a calendar with the following structure:

<div id="calendar" class="fc-calendar-container">
   <div class="fc-calendar fc-five-rows">
	  <div class="fc-head">
	  <div class="fc-body">
		 <div class="fc-row">
			<div><span class="fc-date">1</span><span class="fc-weekday">Thu</span></div>
			<div><span class="fc-date">2</span><span class="fc-weekday">Fri</span></div>
			<div><span class="fc-date">3</span><span class="fc-weekday">Sat</span></div>
			<div><span class="fc-date">4</span><span class="fc-weekday">Sun</span></div>
		 <div class="fc-row">
			<!-- ... -->
		 <div class="fc-row">
			<!-- ... -->
		 <div class="fc-row">
			<!-- ... -->
		 <!-- ... -->

The calendar will consist of a head for the listing of the weekdays and a body with rows for the days of the month. Each “cell” will contain the date and weekday (if applicable) and we control the height of the rows by setting the right class to the container (four, five or six rows). The styling for the default calendar is defined in calendar.css.
Note that a cell that contains some content/event will look as follows:

<div class="fc-content">
   	<span class="fc-date">14</span>
  	<span class="fc-weekday">Wed</span>
		<!-- Some event/content -->

Note that the weekday of each cell is hidden by default because we have the calendar head with the weekdays. The ones in the cell are especially for the case when we apply media queries to reset the layout of the calendar to be stacked vertically. Here we will want to show the weekdays for each day.

It’s clear that a calendar could/should be represented by a table, but due to some table rendering differences between the browsers (especially IE9), we chose not to use it. You can of course adjust the plugin to output a table, though.

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The important part of making the calendar grid fluid is the styling of the row and the div (or the “cell”):

.fc-four-rows .fc-row  {
	height: 25%;

.fc-five-rows .fc-row  {
	height: 20%;

.fc-six-rows .fc-row {
	height: 16.66%;
	height: -moz-calc(100%/6);
	height: -webkit-calc(100%/6);
	height: calc(100%/6);

.fc-calendar .fc-row > div,
.fc-calendar .fc-head > div {
	float: left;
	height: 100%;
	width:  14.28%; /* 100% / 7 */
	width: -moz-calc(100%/7);
	width: -webkit-calc(100%/7);
	width: calc(100%/7);
	position: relative;

So, we define different heights depending on the amount of rows we’ll have, using calc() where we know that the result is not a round number. For the inner div we will set the width to be 100 divided by 7.


The following (default) options are available:

// initialize calendar with this month (1-12). Default is today
month : null,

// initialize calendar with this year. Default is today
year : null,

// initial data/content for the calendar
// format:
// {
//		'MM-DD-YYYY' : 'HTML Content',
//		'MM-DD-YYYY' : 'HTML Content',
//		'MM-DD-YYYY' : 'HTML Content'
//		...
//	}
caldata : null,
weeks : [ 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday' ],
weekabbrs : [ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' ],
months : [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ],
monthabbrs : [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ],

// choose between values in options.weeks or options.weekabbrs
displayWeekAbbr : false,

// choose between values in options.months or options.monthabbrs
displayMonthAbbr : false,

// left-most day in the calendar
// 0 - Sunday, 1 - Monday, ... , 6 - Saturday
startIn : 1,

// callback function for when clicking on a day cell in the calendar
// $el is the cell
// $content is the content division of the cell
// dateProperties is an object with the following properties:
// day : day number,
// month : month number from 1 - 12,
// monthname : name from options.months,
// year : year number,
// weekday : week number from 0 - 6,
// weekdayname : name from options.weeks
onDayClick : function( $el, $content, dateProperties ) { return false; }

The following public methods are available:

// return the year that is currently being viewed

// return the month that is currently being viewed (1-12)

// returns the name of the month that is currently being viewed

// returns the content division inside the cell associated to day "day"
getCell( day )

// sets the data to the calendar. Merges the contents of the passed caldata with the one already set (if any)
setData( caldata )

// shows the calendar for today's month and year
// month is from 1-12
gotoNow( callback )

// shows the calendar for month "month" and year "year"
// month is from 1-12
goto( month, year, callback )

// goes back one month in the calendar
gotoPreviousMonth( callback )

// goes back one year in the calendar
gotoPreviousYear( callback )

// goes further one month in the calendar
gotoNextMonth( callback )

// goes further one year in the calendar
gotoNextYear( callback )

You can use setData to add content to the calendar. You can see examples for that in the demo files.

The basic styling is defined in the calendar.css file and you can see examples of how to modify the calendar style and add to it in the custom CSS files.


Check out the demos:

Manoela Ilic

Manoela is the main tinkerer at Codrops. With a background in coding and passion for all things design, she creates web experiments and keeps frontend professionals informed about the latest trends.


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  1. Super awesome article!
    Both dribbble links are leading to the same shot, by the way 😉

  2. Kewl calendar!! I’m only missing keyboard navigation there.
    Would be really nice to navigate with arrows to switch monthes.

  3. Great work as always ( potente mesmo Mary Lou 🙂 )
    Keyboard navigation would be a great Plus

  4. Awesome article. You are really talented Mary, and one of the best web designer/deveoper i’ve ever seen.
    Keep doing good job, i eagerly waiting for your next article.

  5. I love this calendar, but it’s rendering strangely in IE10 Preview. Sometimes the left borders on days are missing, the days on the far right are too wide and the last days of the month are running outside the calendar container. I took a screenshot and it’s here:

    • To add to this, it looks like IE10 is calculating the width of each day correctly, but is wrapping the week at six days, so Sunday is going onto another line, which leaves each week with six days and tacks on another row at the bottom, which overflows the container.

    • Huh, weirder yet, this only seems to happen when I have the IE10 window maximized. If I don’t have it maximized and stretch the window horizontally so it is as wide as if it were full screen, everything looks great.

  6. Great. Love the first one although I would suggest making the font for the links in the calendar date a bit bolder for better visibility 🙂

  7. This is an amazing plugin. I had a question; does the user have to manually input each event or does this sync with a google cal / etc?

    • Hi Fernando, what exactly does not work for you? You can see an example of an event that I’ve added to the demos (1st of January 2013, make sure to clean your browser cache) and it works fine. Let me know, cheers, ML

    • Ok, now working… Sorry, just a little trouble with aptana… I think. Thank you so much, an amazing plugin…

  8. Hi Mary Lou! This is amazing plugin!!! Congratulations! I like so much! In this plugin when you mouse-over on the div which gives the description can be enlarged rather than leading to a link? Thank you!!

  9. Great script.

    Any plans to move this over to Github for further development? I think that would be awesome.

  10. how to pull the data from an ics/ical file and display it with this nice and flexible style?

  11. Is it possible to attach a SQL or MySQL database to the calendar? as I want to manage the calendar entries and this seems to be the most logical fashion of managing the entries.

  12. something wrong with your _getBody logic .fc-today is getting added to previous days in last month. quick fix I did

    var cellClasses = today && inner!==” ? ‘fc-today ‘ : ”;

    • nevermind I’m retarded. this works better I think

      today = this.month === && this.year === && day === && this.startingDay === j,

  13. It doesn’t work with 2013. With these data in data.js

    var codropsEvents = { '12-25-2012' : 'Natale', '12-31-2012' : 'Capodanno' };

    it works. But with these data

    var codropsEvents = { '12-25-2012' : 'Natale', '12-31-2012' : 'Capodanno' '01-06-2013' : 'Befana' };

    no calendar is displayed, jut the calendar title. Tried with Safari, Chrome and FF latest versions… Any clue?

  14. Nice Calendar. I am having issues getting it to display today’s date. Am I missing a setting somewhere?

  15. Looks great both on desktop and mobile devices.
    I’m trying to not display empty cells on mobile devices, because it saves space and the cells with events in it are the essential ones.
    I’ll post my results here when I manage it.

    • Okay, I made it really complicated and wanted to do it with jQuery.
      My solution is CSS, since the cells with an event have a class the other ones don’t have (.fc-content’).
      Also I thought it makes sense to display the current day so you can see how much time’s left until the next event.

      Put this in your stylesheet:

      @media screen and (max-width: 880px) , screen and (max-height: 450px) {

      .fc-calendar .fc-row > div {
      display: none;
      .fc-calendar .fc-row > div.fc-content,
      .fc-calendar .fc-row > div.fc-today {
      display: block;


      Nevertheless an option to not render empty cells at all would be nice.

  16. Hi,

    Great Calendar !!! I just have a little problem with the CSS. I tried to put the calendar on my website but this CSS part
    *:before {
    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
    -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
    box-sizing: border-box;
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;

    is breaking my website. I don’t find how to replace this part…

    • Sorry forget my question… I was tired and didn’t think to the easiest way… juste had to replace * with .container *…

  17. Love the plugin, a fantastic tool for a responsive site that I am developing however is there an easy way of hooking up gcal.js to display Google events?



  18. It’s awesome ! I have a question : I filled the data.js dynamically, no problem for it but the calendar shows me one event while I have two, how can i do to have two events ?

    Oh u rocks ! 😀

  19. These may be dumb questions as I only have a little experience with javascript.

    1. On Demo 1, when I shrink my browser, it changes to a list type format. I would like to make that permanent so it doesn’t display in calendar format. How do I do that?

    2. In the format in question 1, can you tell it to only display dates with events?

    • Hi Matt,

      The style sheet has a media query to tell the div’s(days) to change from calendar format to list format when the browser/device goes below a certain width so just remove the media query and all relating normal CSS so it always displays this way.

      Not sure on your second question :/ Sorry!


    • Dan,

      I cannot locate a div with the id “days” in any of the provided css style sheets. Would you please be able to assist me further? Thank you.

    • Matt,

      I am assuming you have a knowledge of css and can inspect website elements using Google Chrome or Firefox.

      So looking at Demo 1 the class you need to be looking at is “.fc-calendar .fc-row > div”, you will be able to see that when the browser width is below 800px the styles for this class change, all you need to do is locate these styles in this media query, “@media screen and (max-width: 880px) , screen and (max-height: 450px)” and make this class your default by overwriting the base styles for this class, I would recommend you comment out the old styles in case you wanted to re-instate that the class at some point in the future.

      Hope that helps.


  20. Hi! I love this design..but i have a question.
    When i load the html/css/js, the calendar only loads dates from monday-saturday, do you know why? Also, the widget that makes the event pop up on January 1st, does not work.
    Also is there a way to resize the entire calendar?

  21. If I have few events in the same day like:
    var codropsEvents = {
    ’01-02-2013′ : ‘ev1′,
    ’01-02-2013’ : ‘ev2’

    it`s just showing me the last one, how could i fix this?

    Beside this minor thing it`s a great plugin to use!

  22. If the cells can’t expand to fit the necessary data (say, three events in one day), it’s not much use…

    • I was wondering exactly the same thing, isn’t there a workaround to make the rows expand to fit the necessary data?

      Since I removed the “white-space: nowrap” line to show the full events, I would like the rows to expand to fit the events. I tried a lot of different things in the css file, but nothing seems to work.

  23. Hey its awesome calendar i have ever seen. I’m in big mess. In your example you put all events in javascript file “data.js”. Here I’m loading data from database using jsp page and set jsp page to contentType="text/javascript" but its not working. Need your help ASAP

    • Sorry It was my mistake in placing date format like 15-02-2013 but the actual format id 02-14-2013

  24. Hi there!
    any idea to show events on hover only ??
    Looking forward to reading you or I’ll edit your plugin otherwise…

  25. It’s okay!
    I did it using this snippet
    $('.fc-date').hover(function () { $(this).parents('.fc-content').find('div').show(); //alert($(this).parents('.fc-row').html()); }, function () { // $(this).parents('.fc-content').find('div').hide(); });