From our partner: The AI visual builder for Next.js & Tailwind: Generate UI with AI. Customize it with a visual editor.
In this giveaway you can win one of five autographed copies of The Designer’s Web Handbook by Patrick McNeil (shipped internationally).
The Designer’s Web Handbook
For many designers new to the web learning how everything works, the impact their designs have on a site and working with developers can all be daunting tasks. The web is built on a myriad of technologies and can feel impossible to untangle. With The Designer’s Web Handbook, author Patrick McNeil, takes you on a guided tour of the critical technologies of the web and the impact they have on the designer. This non technical guide will help you understand the life cycle of a web site and how your design decisions at each step impact the developers building your sites.
Read our review about this great book here: Book Review – “The Designer’s Web Handbook: What You Need to Know to Create for the Web”
About the author, Patrick McNeil
Patrick is a St. Louis based web developer, design lover, author and teacher. His bestselling book series The Web Designer’s Idea Books have inspired thousands of designers around the world. Patrick has a particular love of front end development and a passion for teaching designers how to code. You can find more about Patrick on his site, pmcneil.com, or follow him on twitter @designmeltdown.
How to enter
To enter the giveaway, simply comment below and share this giveaway on a social network of your choice.
Good Luck!
This giveaway ended on August 12, 2012 at 10 p.m. GMT+0.
The Winners
We are happy to announce the following winners of the giveaway:
- Sergio
- Sperl Nandor
- Maru Stephens
- Branson Werner (new winner)
- Quoc Nguyen
Joseph was one of the winners but we did not get any response, so we had to choose another winner.
Congratulations! You will be contacted shortly!
Seems really nice. Love to have this at home 🙂
I want 1, Thanks!
amazing set of books, just need this one to complete the collection so fingers crossed!
Fabulous giveaway!
Another must have book for web designers.
This looks like a useful guide! Thanks for the chance to win!
oh dear, and I here I thought I might sneak into a quiet room that noone knew about and secure my front row seat for the drawing…, Good luck to all of you (and me) anyway !!!
looks interesting
Je veut!!! 🙂
Would love to get a copy of this. Will come in really handy.
Sounds great. I love the idea that the book covers the design process as it relates to the life cycle of a website.
Commenting, sharing, crossing fingers. X0/
hi, great book hope to win!
Thanks for this awesome Giveaway ! Really a very nice book and a very essential one too. Please count me in the draw. I really need this one to win !
Shared links :
Awesome! Would love to win this 🙂
Looks like an awesome book.
I would like to have my hands on this book because these days I am working a lot to improve m design skills. I am after the details of design. A good design is always about details.
Looks like a cool idea – be nice to win 🙂
Interesting book!!
Here’s a comment 🙂 Could really use this! Thanks for all the tutorials.
Help alleviate hunger in Africa by giving me this book – I’m in Africa and I’m hungering for this book. PRETTY PLEASE – with a GIANT African SMILE 🙂
Want!! Just graduated and started working in a startup, would come in really handy!
Retweeted :-). That’s a start!
Would love a copy of this book
echo "I'm here :)";
I would love this handbook!
This is me, leaving a comment. Yay!
This would be an awesome addition to my arsenal of literature!!
Count me in.shared via twitter
I want this one! 🙂
Wanted! 🙂
Looks really nice!
Amateur designer and developer could use it a lot.
This looks great.
I really need this, it would really help with my new job. Shared via Twitter.
I’d love to get a copy of this. I’ll send out a tweet.
pretty awesome. would love a copy.
tweeted by @asiracki
Gotta give it a go! Sharing on twitter @deanbirkett
Looking forward to reading this.
seems like a “must have” for a web developer student like myself.
Man I wanted this once I saw it at my job. Checked it out and it is amazing.
Tweeted! I would love a copy 🙂
I would love to learn from God of web designing!
Facebooked by @Rafa? Pieczy?ski – Would love to start designing as a pro
Seems like a good book, would be a fruitfull read. 😀
Looking cool. Will be shared 🙂