WordPressThemeShock Giveaway

Win one of 10 Shock Bundles from WordpressThemeShock with many Wordpress themes, icons and templates

In today’s giveaway you can win one of 10 licenses of the premium product of WordPressThemeShock, the The Shock Bundle which contains 107 premium WP themes (with tons of features), about 30000 icons from its partner Iconshock and 28000 additional icons (14000 Android, 14000 iPhone icons, 427 credit card icons and 150 social icons), 75 XHTML templates, 50 web design sets, 25 vector sets, 500 logo templates and more.

WordPressThemeShock also offers 3 amazing and huge free bundles containing a bunch of useful resources for web and wordpress professionals, they are fully loaded with WordPress themes, icon sets, HTML, CSS and PSD themes, vector sets, web design sets and more. You will surely be shocked with these free packs!

Follow @webdesignshock on Twitter for even more resources, freebies and articles around web design.

Check out some demos:









To enter the giveaway, simply add your comment below and tell us why you’d like to have The Shock Bundle.

Good luck to everyone!

This giveaway has ended on 19th of March 2012 at 6 p.m. GMT+0.

The Winners

We are happy to announce the following winners of the giveaway:

Congratulations, you will be contacted shortly!

Thank you for participating!


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  1. I am a growing web and mobile applications developer.
    Codrops has helped me to an enormous extent, the amount i have learnt from here is huge.
    The freshness in the designs and novelty really amazes me, makes me want to achieve so much more and help me realize that i still have so much to learn.

    These wordpress themes could really help me a lot (just like everyone else who has commented), cut down my time for making new ones for clients. But if i dont get it, I’m sure I could learn to make good ones soon by following your site along with my own learning.

  2. It is simply awesome & huge library! I really like the designs it is TRULY WORTH IT!

  3. Hi.
    I want this thing because I love it, and I love you guys, and love is share and share is love )
    And also because I’m a programmer with a close-to-zero designing and art skills, doing mostly the code, but sometimes they ask me to launch a website for the apps i’ve been doing for them and i’ve got nothing to say.
    Thanks in advance

  4. Looking to re-vamp my site and migrate fully to wordpress but like many entrepreneurs, I’m bootstrapping so budget is tight. Access to this suite of themes would be a pretty kick @ss gift!

  5. wow! what an amazing library of templates. I’ve started a non-profit directory and would love to offer these to our members.

  6. I’d like to this ThemeShock giveaway because my blog badly needs a new theme

  7. Great resource, can’t exhaust, you’ve got codes and style drops every post that’s so unique and clear to grasp. For the first time ever, I want to shift career, Cyber café attendant to full-time web worker. Just needed the codes, and here ‘just found the right drops. The tutorials got the coolest pretty features and straight-forward download links for sampling. I’m sure I’ve found my #passion { else : need some shock themes, to fire-up the shift,
    ‘ cannot wait to start

  8. Great design deserves great showcasing! I’m always building sites and all these designs and layouts would be great for diversity and range in what I’m creating.

  9. Really nice themes, this is an amazing and very useful way for improve some WP skills , besides it’s a great inspiration source

  10. I’d love to have a set of themes like these because I’m a curious guy, always looking for a fresh design and a beautiful idea to apply to my projects! These seems to be awesome themes. 🙂

  11. Looks like an amazing bundle that would be a great addition to anyone’s library. Hopefully my own! 🙂

  12. I always struggle to find decent icons for all my web and mobile apps, this would save me a lot of time! It would also be great to give my wordpress site a new design, it’s looking very dated (and as a developer my graphic design skills are very limited!)

  13. I’d love to have this set to use them in my future design projects as well as for becoming an insight in how other designers code WordPress themes.

  14. This great set has everything to build great websites from the template image files to the complete coded website
    That’s a great ressource.

  15. A great giveaway which is very useful for budding bloggers like me. I operate two blogs, one on technology (Digital Sheets) and one specifically on Office tips and tricks (Office Sheets). I am still on the lookout for a professional look on both of my blogs and I think winning this giveaway could end my search.
    The amount of content in this pack is sheer pleasure and every look is awesome. Hoping to win one of these. TIA

  16. great and lovely themes! each of them has an amazing design..
    the give away gonna be so helpfull for us.. thanks 🙂

  17. You guys are giving great support to upcoming webdesigners like me, thats a great step. Please give me the the bundle , am crazy about it , its amazing ,wow! ,please give me!

  18. this is great & you are great.
    i cant exactly find words that may explain why this can be handful for me specially in my situation where every gift related to web design is a great one.
    thank you again
    PS: i love your site.

  19. Owning The Shock Bundle would motivate me to start my own consulting company. I could offer some quality templates to my clients upfront.

  20. Ive been wanting to start a WordPress site but not seen any good themes. Shock Bundle looks awesome and I’d like to get my hands and mind into them to make magic!!!

  21. It will help me make a better layout and aesthetically more pleasing for the visitor.

  22. Hi, I’d like have this product becouse i’m young webdesigner. I need resources!

  23. This bundle is going to shock me if i get it, and u know i like shocks but this shock gonna be colorful with icons,templates,themes….!!

    Laughter is the shock absorber that eases the blows of life & “Theme Shock bundle is the shock absorber that eases the design work”.

  24. Hey, I am really passionate for wordpress themes. Thanks a lot for sharing this bundle…

  25. I have seen their freebies and they are awesome. So I think their Premium Contents will be more useful and better. So I would love to win …

  26. I would like to have the shock bundle because it’s shock and awe in full digital glory.

  27. I would like to have shock bundle because I am a college student looking to start up an awesome website to promote myself, and maybe even start a new company. I would love the help!

  28. I would like to have them ’cause i wanna realize my own WordPress Site and with this Awesome Templates can i made a impressiv Website easily and share the work of Theme Shok!

    Greez 😀