Creative Examples of Portfolio Item Display

Portfolios are a great opportunity to show your potential clients and customers what you have created and what you are capable of. It can also be a playground for ideas […]

Portfolios are a great opportunity to show your potential clients and customers what you have created and what you are capable of. It can also be a playground for ideas – the way that a portfolio itself is presented, the interaction possibilities it allows and it’s uniqueness can be a great way to show your identity and your creativity.

The following collection has some wonderful examples of ways portfolio items can be displayed.

Leg Work Studio

This example, is a textured, black’n’white, stunning portfolio and blog of the LegWork Studio, based in US. The website has a really usable “roll-over” effect, so when rolled over a link, a custom image is displayed.

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Carson Shold

The currently website is an elegant online portfolio and blog of the developer & designer Carson Shold. Carson Shold has a beautiful and usable roll-over effect. The area rolled gets dark, but when the mouse reaches the featured project section, it displays the image double-sized.

Noxie Creative

Noxie Creative uses a slick portfolio with a nice hover effect. Clicking next or previous lightens up the new portfolio item. It’s subtle and clean.

Mind Work

A great digital artist’s portfolio with a unique slider that opens when a project is clicked.

Dreamer Lines

Dreamer Lines is a creative, online website owned by the Latvian designer, Janis based in Riga, who works for some digital marketing agencies. The portfolio is displayed in a beautiful tab way fashion that allows to see works from the different areas of design.

Orman Clark

This is a beautiful, creative example of a portfolio created and owned by Orman Clark, a 27 year old web designer and “seo geek”. The portfolio is made up of floating screens that move along with the mouse.

Kidd 81

The current website is a sketchy-looking, beautiful online portfolio, blog, and fun place created by the creative designer called “kidd81”. Watch the cute slide effect when hovering over a portfolio item.

Mitch Designs

The current website, is a usable, elegant and beautiful webpage of the Tea Round application, available for iDevices. The portfolio items show a blue overlay with some extra information on hover. When clicked it goes to a huge slider when the details of the portfolio item can be viewed. You can also use the keyboard arrows to navigate through the slider.

Ghost Horses

HostHorses is a tiny web design agency formed through the love of designing and building wonderlicious websites. When hovering over the portfolio items, some info slides in from the top and a “view” button slides in from the bottom, very slick effect.

Think Fa

Think Fa makes it’s portfolio items pop by making the content of the items stick out. They literally “stand out” because of that tiny detail. Also, the way the project gets presented is very beautiful.

Design Royale

This website with a great use of colors and beautiful interface, is the online portfolio of the creative agency & digital production studio called Design Royale. The portfolio website displayed above, has a nice “roll-over” effect for the majority of the links placed on the site, as well as a stunning slider.

Red Tiki

Red Tiki is the online portfolio of an experienced team of animators and web designers based in Australia. Their portfolio display is definitely unique, but careful, it bites!

Stuff and Nonsense

A very interesting way of showing each individual portfolio item in it’s unique way: with a custom style.

Shyama Golden

Besides being a beautifully crafted web site, the portfolio items are a slick grid with a very neat slide effect on hover.

Aaron Anderson

An example of a horizontal layout that shows the portfolio items with a nice hover effect. Hover over the arrows to scroll horizontally.

Michael Nagy

Here the portfolio items simply expand and one can scroll through them. A simple but effective way to show the portfolio.

Click on the tags of this “Folio” to see a beautiful reordering and appearing effect of the items.

Sarah & Simon

In this portfolio we have an interesting “blur effect” when hovering over an item.


In this portfolio of tinyfactory, when clicking on a portfolio item, a more detailed description of the project slides up from the bottom.

Stelian Subotin

Stelian Subotin is an enthusiast and design fan from Republic of Moldova. Right now he is working on his new design-related blog called Rocket Graphics. Visit RocketGraphs or follow his twitter account @rocketgraphs.


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