The left
property is an offset property that is used to specify the left offset of a positioned element with respect to its positioning context.
It is one of four available offset properties that also include right
, top
, and bottom
Offset properties are used to specify the exact position of a positioned element and have no effect on non-positioned (static) elements. In order to use this property, the element should have a position value other than the default static
The left
property specifies how far an absolutely positioned element’s left margin edge is offset relative to the left edge of the element’s positioning context, which is usually its containing block. For relatively positioned elements, the offset is with respect to the left edge of the element itself (i.e., the element is given a position in the normal flow, then offset from that position according to the offset properties). For fixed and sticky elements the positioning context is the viewport.
You should read the position property entry for details on how to choose a position for an element to use the offset properties on it.
Official Syntax
left: <length> | <percentage> | auto
- Initial: auto
- Applies To: positioned elements
- Animatable: yes, as a length, percentage or calc();
- <length>
The left offset is specified as a fixed length. See the
entry for a list of possible length values and units.Negative values are allowed. A positive value will offset the element to the right from the left edge of its positioning context, while a negative value will offset to the left with respect to the left edge of the context.
- <percentage>
The left offset is specified as a percentage of its containing block’s height. See the
entry for a list of possible length values and units.Negative values are allowed. A positive value will offset the element to the right from the left edge of its positioning context, while a negative value will offset to the left with respect to the left edge of the context.
- auto
is set toauto
If the element is relatively positioned, it will be positioned (horizontally) according to the value of the
property, and if theright
property is also set toauto
, the element is not offset horizontally at all. (It could still be offset vertically using one of the vertical offset propertiestop
.) -
If the element is absolutely positioned, it will be positioned (horizontally) according to the value of the
property, and if itswidth
iswidth: auto
, it will get its width based on its content—it usually expands to fill the entire available width inside its containing block.
If the element is relatively positioned, it will be positioned (horizontally) according to the value of the
The left
offset property also accepts a value of inherit
, which allows the element to inherit its left offset from its parent. The element’s parent may not be its positioning context.
The following example offsets an absolutely positioned element by 30px the the right of the left edge of its containing block (which in this case is its positioning context).
.container { position: relative; /* establishes a positioning context for its absolutely positioned descendants and for itself */ } .absolutely-positioned { position: absolute; left: 30px; }
Live Demo
View this demo on the Codrops PlaygroundBrowser Support
The left
property is supported in all major browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer, and on Android and iOS.