Collective #199

Inspirational Website of the Week: Bonne Marque
An very innovative user experience with great typography made us pick Bonne Marque as inspirational this week.
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ScrollReveal makes scroll animations for web and mobile browsers super easy. Made by Julian Lloyd.
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Interaction Is an Enhancement
Aaron Gustafson writes about how viewing JavaScript as a given creates the illusion of control and discusses the issues that arise from this view.
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'Touch Keyboard' Implementations Have Improved Just 9% Since 2013 (60% Still Get it Wrong)
Christian Holst on the shocking benchmark that reveals how 54% of mobile sites fail to invoke optimized touch keyboards for either phone, ZIP code, or credit card form fields.
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JavaScript Developer Survey Results
Get some interesting insights from this survey conducted by Nicolás Bevacqua.
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The Web Accessibility Basics
Marco Zehe's list of absolute web accessibility basics every web developer should know about.
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Animating Clipped Elements In SVG
Dennis Gaebel explains the difference between an SVG clipPath and a CSS clip-path and shows some creative examples.
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Grid Systems for Screen Design
Johan Prag from Figma dives into the idea of grids as being foundational for flexible canvases as they are for a fixed page.
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Building a Better Web Browser
James Mickens on building better, more robust and secure web browsers.
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Pseudo and pseudon’t
Icky or not, this CSS trick by Jeremy Keith makes filled inputs awesome.
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SVG icons are easy but the fallbacks aren't
Matt Hinchliffe shows how difficult it can be to provide straightforward fallbacks for SVG on the web.
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A great bundle of 110 Christmas icons and illustrations designed by Anastasia Kolisnichenko for Smashing Magazine.
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Urku HTML5 Portfolio Website
Urku Portfolio is a clean and flexible free website template made by Pixeden.
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Introducing Background Sync
Learn all about 'background sync', a new web API that lets you defer actions until the user has stable connectivity. By Jake Archibald.
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Compiling to WebAssembly: It's Happening!
WebAssembly is a binary format for compilation to the web. Read why it's an exciting time now for it's design and implementation in this article by Alon Zakai.
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Roi Lipman created this cool demo with Three.js, Node.js and Physijs where you can build domino layouts and make them topple.
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Christmas Icons (PNG, AI)
Benjamin Bely created a beautiful set of Christmas icons in a 3 part series. Check out the rebounds to see them all.
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Free Font: Tessellate Regular
A creative display sans serif typeface designed by Kylee Barnard.
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Vuvuzela is a messaging system that protects the privacy of message contents and message metadata. Check out the Web Client, too.
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