Collective #198

Inspirational Website of the Week: Because Recollection
Because Recollection will take you on a creative interactive journey through 10 years of music. Our pick this week.
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Design, White Lies & Ethics
Dan Turner explores the fine line between dark patterns and telling white lies and shows how it can impact user experience.
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Google's Santa Tracker
Explore a new game every day with this fun project by Google.
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Making Accessibility Simpler, With Ally.js
An article by Rodney Rehm where he introduces Ally.js, a library for helping modern web applications with accessibility concerns.
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Presentation Slideshow
A beautiful presentation template with smooth navigation by Claudia Romano from CodyHouse.
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The vertical-align Property
A very helpful guide to the vertical-align property with examples for all values by Ire Aderinokun.
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Why I'm Excited About Native CSS Variables
Philip Walton shares his excitement about native CSS variables and explores some advantages over preprocessor variables.
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Twitter's Heart Animation in Full CSS
Nicolas Escoffier's CSS only heart animation of the recently introduced Twitter heart button.
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Want to use Vanilla JS but find native APIs a bit unwieldy? Bliss is for you. By Lea Verou.
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Labella with help you place labels on a timeline without overlap. By Twitter.
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Battling BEM: 5 common problems and how to avoid them
David Berner highlights some common issues with using the BEM syntax and how to overcome them.
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Free Font: Grenale Slab (Regular)
Jeremy Dooley designed this unique looking slab font and offers the regular style for free.
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Phoenix UI: Vol 1 for iPhone 6 (PSD, Sketch)
Adrian Chiran shares this iOS UI kit containing 12 beautifully designed screens for both Photoshop and Sketch.
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Why Progressive Web Apps Are The Future Of Web Development
Dan Rowinski shows the possibilities of a future way of implementing apps with Service Workers and a Shell Architecture.
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A beautiful and creative display typeface designed by Tano Veron. Get it for a social post.
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A new take on project management for teams with a beautiful UI.
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A library for converting browser microphone input to MP3 in JavaScript. By Hector Leon Zarco Garcia.
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A quick reminder on how and why to use labels in forms to make them more accessible
Christian Heilmann shows how to use the label element for optimized accessibility.
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Music Icons (AI, Sketch, SVG)
A great looking set of music related icons made by Davide Pacilio.
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Fractal Gears
A cool experiment with gear mechanisms by @liabru.
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