Collective #177

Inspirational Website of the Week: ResIM
ResIM has a really clean design with some smooth, subtle effects and a clear typography. Our pick this week.
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Dropdowns Should be the UI of Last Resort
Luke Wroblewski shows several alternatives to dropdowns to consider in your designs and explains why.
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Quantity Ordering With CSS
Drew Minns shows some advanced CSS technique that will order elements based on the number of siblings.
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Pure UI
Guillermo Rauch discusses the definition of an application's UI as a pure function of application state.
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12 Little-Known CSS Facts (The Sequel)
Louis Lazaris shows us some more interesting CSS facts that can come in really handy.
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Comparing Bootstrap With Google's New Material Design Lite
Danny Markov does a really helful comparison between Bootstrap and MDL.
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Mostly adequate guide to functional programming (in JavaScript)
A great guide to functional programming in JS by Brian Lonsdorf.
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Birply Icons (AI, SVG)
A lovely set of detail-rich icons by Davide Pacilio.
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Free Font: BERNIER
Ryan Pyae shares this uppercase display font for free.
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Tenue CSS Text Effect
A creative CSS text effect made with text-shadows. By Pixeden.
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The DOM is getting better
An interesting article by Peter Jaszkowiak on newer DOM functionality and it's benefits.
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The Dominey Effect: For the Love of the Web, Learn Swift
Nishant Kothary has a message: learn Swift today.
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Spot the unsubscribe!
Lea Verou exposes the seemingly intentionally hidden unsubscribe options from promotional emails and junk mail.
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Designers: Use'em or Lose'em!
An interesting article on the importance of getting most out of a design team in a company.
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Freebie: A Workspace Illustrations Kit (AI, PNG, PSD, EPS and SVG)
A great freebie including 60 lovely workspace illustrations by Anastasia Kolisnichenko for Smashing Magazine.
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One wise coder once said...
Get inspired with these visual code proverbs made from AntJanus' programmer's proverbs. By Bora Gökalp.
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Render dynamic SVG's with React
A demo that shows how to render SVGs dynamically with React. Made by Jos de Jong.
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With this helpful little tool you can edits SVGs in your browser. Made by Brent Jackson.
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Create a beach illustration in Adobe Illustrator
A masterclass by Veerle Pieters where you'll learn to create a detailed beach illustration.
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D3.js design patterns
A collection of articles on how to write better D3 applications. By Bill Automata.
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