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Today we want to share a flexible calendar concept with you. Calendars can be a very tricky thing when it comes to their layout and responsiveness. This is an experiment for trying out some grid layouts that can be applied to calendars. We’ve created a jQuery plugin for the calendar itself and you can see some examples of how to use it in the demos. The aim is to provide a suitable layout for both, small and big screens and keeping the calendar structure fluid when possible. On large screens we want to show a grid-based layout while on smaller screens, we want to simply stack the days of the month.
Please note that the demos will only work as intended in browsers that support the new CSS properties used here, especially calc().
The calendar designs are based on these two beauties found on Dribbble:
- Day – the most beautiful calendar app for your iPhone by Toby Negele
- Calendar by Tomas Gajar
For the calendar plugin to work, we simply need a container with the class “fc-calendar-container”:
<div id="calendar" class="fc-calendar-container"></div>
The plugin can be called like this:
$( '#calendar' ).calendario();
The plugin will create a calendar with the following structure:
<div id="calendar" class="fc-calendar-container"> <div class="fc-calendar fc-five-rows"> <div class="fc-head"> <div>Monday</div> <div>Tuesday</div> <div>Wednesday</div> <div>Thursday</div> <div>Friday</div> <div>Saturday</div> <div>Sunday</div> </div> <div class="fc-body"> <div class="fc-row"> <div></div> <div></div> <div></div> <div><span class="fc-date">1</span><span class="fc-weekday">Thu</span></div> <div><span class="fc-date">2</span><span class="fc-weekday">Fri</span></div> <div><span class="fc-date">3</span><span class="fc-weekday">Sat</span></div> <div><span class="fc-date">4</span><span class="fc-weekday">Sun</span></div> </div> <div class="fc-row"> <!-- ... --> </div> <div class="fc-row"> <!-- ... --> </div> <div class="fc-row"> <!-- ... --> </div> <!-- ... --> </div> </div> </div>
The calendar will consist of a head for the listing of the weekdays and a body with rows for the days of the month. Each “cell” will contain the date and weekday (if applicable) and we control the height of the rows by setting the right class to the container (four, five or six rows). The styling for the default calendar is defined in calendar.css.
Note that a cell that contains some content/event will look as follows:
<div class="fc-content"> <span class="fc-date">14</span> <span class="fc-weekday">Wed</span> <div> <!-- Some event/content --> </div> </div>
Note that the weekday of each cell is hidden by default because we have the calendar head with the weekdays. The ones in the cell are especially for the case when we apply media queries to reset the layout of the calendar to be stacked vertically. Here we will want to show the weekdays for each day.
It’s clear that a calendar could/should be represented by a table, but due to some table rendering differences between the browsers (especially IE9), we chose not to use it. You can of course adjust the plugin to output a table, though.
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The important part of making the calendar grid fluid is the styling of the row and the div (or the “cell”):
.fc-four-rows .fc-row { height: 25%; } .fc-five-rows .fc-row { height: 20%; } .fc-six-rows .fc-row { height: 16.66%; height: -moz-calc(100%/6); height: -webkit-calc(100%/6); height: calc(100%/6); } .fc-calendar .fc-row > div, .fc-calendar .fc-head > div { float: left; height: 100%; width: 14.28%; /* 100% / 7 */ width: -moz-calc(100%/7); width: -webkit-calc(100%/7); width: calc(100%/7); position: relative; }
So, we define different heights depending on the amount of rows we’ll have, using calc() where we know that the result is not a round number. For the inner div we will set the width to be 100 divided by 7.
The following (default) options are available:
// initialize calendar with this month (1-12). Default is today month : null, // initialize calendar with this year. Default is today year : null, // initial data/content for the calendar // format: // { // 'MM-DD-YYYY' : 'HTML Content', // 'MM-DD-YYYY' : 'HTML Content', // 'MM-DD-YYYY' : 'HTML Content' // ... // } caldata : null, weeks : [ 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday' ], weekabbrs : [ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' ], months : [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ], monthabbrs : [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ], // choose between values in options.weeks or options.weekabbrs displayWeekAbbr : false, // choose between values in options.months or options.monthabbrs displayMonthAbbr : false, // left-most day in the calendar // 0 - Sunday, 1 - Monday, ... , 6 - Saturday startIn : 1, // callback function for when clicking on a day cell in the calendar // $el is the cell // $content is the content division of the cell // dateProperties is an object with the following properties: // day : day number, // month : month number from 1 - 12, // monthname : name from options.months, // year : year number, // weekday : week number from 0 - 6, // weekdayname : name from options.weeks onDayClick : function( $el, $content, dateProperties ) { return false; }
The following public methods are available:
// return the year that is currently being viewed getYear() // return the month that is currently being viewed (1-12) getMonth() // returns the name of the month that is currently being viewed getMonthName() // returns the content division inside the cell associated to day "day" getCell( day ) // sets the data to the calendar. Merges the contents of the passed caldata with the one already set (if any) setData( caldata ) // shows the calendar for today's month and year // month is from 1-12 gotoNow( callback ) // shows the calendar for month "month" and year "year" // month is from 1-12 goto( month, year, callback ) // goes back one month in the calendar gotoPreviousMonth( callback ) // goes back one year in the calendar gotoPreviousYear( callback ) // goes further one month in the calendar gotoNextMonth( callback ) // goes further one year in the calendar gotoNextYear( callback )
You can use setData to add content to the calendar. You can see examples for that in the demo files.
The basic styling is defined in the calendar.css file and you can see examples of how to modify the calendar style and add to it in the custom CSS files.
Check out the demos:
Okay, I’m not trying to be an idiot (sometimes, it just comes naturally!), but where do the details for the events go so they show up in the day “cell”? When I use the code provided, it shows up at the bottom, below the calendar. I’m using DEMO 2 and have adjusted color to fit our site scheme. Everything works great and it’s PERFECT except for this! Kind of like having a beautiful, empty vase! I need some flowers ya’ll! Please help! Thanks!
No clue to make it work in full size on that stupid IE10?
Very nice, as usual!
Does anybody found out to make it work on Internet Explorer 10?
This is an excellent looking calendar, thanks for putting it together. I need to feed my event data through from a url query string. Could you give me any pointers on the best way to create an array of event data that the calendar will accept? I know how to strip the data from the query string but the calendar breaks if I try and pass this array to caldata.
It is possible to create two are more events for the same date?
I tried this:
The plugin take only the last date. So, I can see Event2 but not Event1.
Maybe the missing comma after the first line? Cheers, ML
Hm I am trying to figure out how to add one more variable to data.js, such as
’04-12-2013? : ‘Event1?:’category’,
and how to extract this third variable ? I am going through calendario.js file but having hard time to figure out how is he extracting date and event description, what part of code is it, what line number ?
I’m trying to do exactly the same thing, and I didn’t find how to do that either…
If anyone as an idea… ? Thanks !
I find a solution to my problem : I’ve put a css class like this :
’04-28-2013′ : ‘category text link and so on…’,
and I just make a function like this (I wanted to change the background color of the cell) :
function colorCalendar(){
I call it when document load and when you click on next/prev buttons.
Hope it will help !
Thank you for this great plugin !
I am trying to make the calendar dynamic with php, which means editing the data.js file. I can’t seem to find where it is referenced in the code. Any ideas? Thanks!
Great calendar!
How to convert writing order date?
It is mm-dd-yyyy, I would like to be yyyy-mm-ddd.
Ok, missed it by changing the record date for the data file: D
How to rebuild the calendar to recognize the script … record and display all records from the day one after the other?
’04-22-2013 ‘,’ text3 text3 text3 ‘
’04-22-2013 ‘,’ text2 text2 text2 ‘
’04-22-2013 ‘,’ text text text ‘,
Hi Mary Lou,
I love you calendars. I would like to incorporate it into my new site. I would like the calendar to read from a mysql database, but I am not sure on how to go about adding this as I am just learning. How would I add the info from the database to the data.js file? Also where would I add code so when I click on a day I can add a new event and when I click on an event how can I add the effect of demo 2? I know I am asking a lot but I really want to add the calendar to my site.
Thanks in advance
Best calendar around, great design.
What has to be done to have 2 calendars on the same page?
Thanks greatly.
I managed to do this by creating another data file “data1.js” and change the variable to ‘codropsEvents1’
duplicate the inline js and container html in the example and change all the div ids . . . i added ‘1’ to them, and make sure corresponding div id’s are matching.
also change source data “caldata : codropsEvents1,”
cheers all.
This calendar is great, just one question one i had being a designer i have modified what i want the dates for the empty cells like for EX:july 2013 has 6 empty cells of the week for august i want to fill the dates for august in that
Can someone please provide the code to print the next 5 events to occur from the data.js.
I would like a list of the events in addition to the calendar, but only the next 5 events to occur is sufficient.
This is great, but adding events dynamically is causing me some trouble. I have a form where the user can enter the date for a new event, so I can’t hard-code the date like in your example. That is, I can’t do this:
cal.setData( {"07-15-2013" : "<div >My event here</div>"} );
I need to do this:
cal.setData( {stringDate: "<div >My event here</div>"} );
The problem is with getting the quotes around the date. Perhaps I am missing something basic and obvious? Thanks for your help…
ahhh – figured it out. The issue was with mismatched quotes. Serves me right for trying to fix this at 3AM.
For anyone struggling with this, here’s how I solved it:
var jsonData = "{\"" + stringDate + "\": \"<div class='event' '>" + eventInfo + "</div>\"}"; cal.setData(JSON.parse(jsonData));
Hi! is there any way to make Calendario work on wordpress?
mary good job, but I need to dynamically create events.
My situation is this, I have pdf files that name with the date format CALDATA and create events and put everything inside a jquery object but when I go to the plugin it does not return anything
Hi There
Any Idea where to set hover on the cells?
.no-touch .fc-calendar .fc-row > div > div a:hover { background: rgba(255,0,0,0.7); }
This should give at read hover?
Found the solution
.no-touch .fc-calendar .fc-row > div:hover { background: rgba(202,202,202,0.7); /*magic*/ -webkit-transition: all 0.2s ease-out; -moz-transition: all 0.2s ease-out; -o-transition: all 0.2s ease-out; transition: all 0.2s ease-out; }
To spice it up I gave it a bit of css magic 🙂
Anyone managed to get a popup box working with this? User clicks a date and then clicks the link in that date to get more info on that event. (there could be more than one event on that day so putting the data in the normal slide up box wont really work. Using the demo 2 layout here. thanks
To get this working in IE10, we just had to modify this chunk of CSS:
.fc-calendar .fc-row > div, .fc-calendar .fc-head > div { float: left; height: 100%; width: 14.28%; /* 100% / 7 */ width: -moz-calc(100%/7); width: -webkit-calc(100%/7); width: calc(100%/7); position: relative; }
removing the calculations and leaving just the percentage. I guess IE10 doesn’t calculate very accurately, so it pushes the last element in a row on the calendar over to the next line? So modify that chunk to this:
.fc-calendar .fc-row > div, .fc-calendar .fc-head > div { float: left; height: 100%; width: 14.28%; /* 100% / 7 */ position: relative; }
If anyone has a different solution, let me know. 🙂
Is there a way to display the calendar as a day view or a week view, vs the whole 30 days?
Ya, i am looking for same
Great calendar!
Is there a way that I can bring in data from a MySQL database? Also this database may have a lot of data entries so I was hoping to only get the data for the month being currently viewed. Any ideas?
I have the same question, any luck?
the calendar look beautiful!
I still does not understand how you load the data from the data.js or another source?
I am working on django python and would love to know how to implement it on my project.
thank for your help
I think I may have found the solution
use this in my template:
var codropsEvents = {
’08-23-2013′ : ‘blablablablaa’,
’08-22-2013′ : ‘bloublou’,
’08-21-2013′ : ‘<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”>Three Script Updates‘
and instead of the date and content I will directly put my tempate tag {{ }} to fill the information.
great stuff!
does anyone know how you can do to open an event in a modal window? I have imported jquery-ui, entered the code correctly but the popup does not work. Do not get any javascript error
Does anyone have idea, how we can remove an already added event from calendar?
Thanks in adv.
Is there any way to fire a JS function after calendario has done it’s magic?
basically, I want to iterate over each event in the calendar (after Calendario is done firing) and and some markup using the event data for tooltips.
I wrapped each event in a “.event” class, so my code I’m looking to use after Calendario is completed is this:
var title = $(this).find(‘a’);
var description = $(this).find(‘.description’);
var more = $(this).find(‘.more’);
$(this).append(” + title + description + more + ”);
This isfantastic. I’m tryingt o use demo 1, but with the show events vertical slide like in demo 2 (instead of just direct link), but no success so far. Anybody has tried to do the same with success and would like to share? Thanks in advance.
Its’s quite easy, just copy inside of onDayClick(), those two functions that goes with it – showEvents() and hideEvents() and CSS styles for #custom-content-reveal. And don’t forget to define wrapper.
Great plugin! Anyone else having/solved problems with ie7 tho?
Hello Mary, I enjoyed your project and applied on my website using events dynamically with php, but I wonder if it is possible to place more than one event on the same day?
Thank you
Can you please tell me how do I get the full date, with the ondayclick event?
How can I change the language into Portuguese?
I downloaded the code, but the calendar is 1 day off. for example, May 1 2018 is Tue, but it is showing as wed.