From our partner: The AI visual builder for Next.js & Tailwind: Generate UI with AI. Customize it with a visual editor.
In this giveaway you can win one of 3 Business Plan Memberships ($99 each) from Web Icon Set!
About Web Icon Set
Web Icon Set provides professional and quality royalty-free stock icons for designers. By joining their membership, you can access to over 1,000+ premium icons including Pictograms, Stock Icons and Mini Icons with a much much more affordable subscription fee. All of the icons are perfect for websites, web applications and wireframes creation. Check out their Free Icons too.
If you have a blog, website, email list or Twitter account then you can join the Affiliate Program and earn a 40% commission on every new member who joined the membership.
How to win
To enter the giveaway just leave your comment below and tell us why you’d like to win.
Good luck!
This giveaway ended on April 24, 2012 at 6 p.m. GMT+0.
The Winners
We are happy to announce the following winners of the giveaway:
Congratulations, you will be contacted shortly!
Thank you all for participating!
I’m always in the search for beautiful icons and they would be very useful addon to any project!
That’d be a great starting point for a lot of projects.
I would like to win because it would be awesome to have the membership to choose all those icons.
I have searched many times but always good icon sets they have some cost. This would be perfect, because it includes all the icons I need for my pages.
Hello, I’m just starting out my business in Web Design and Learning every thing. I’m in hart a Professional Graphic Designer but Adding Web Design is what i’m currently doing. Of course this giveaway will save me a lot of time.. which i can invest more in Learning Web Design. Thank You :).
It’s really worth downloading. Full of detail and useful in web design. As a web designer, I’m so glad to enter this competition. Thank you for this great giveaway.
I’ve always wanted to lay my hands on a quality icon set 🙂
Who doesnt need quality web icon set? ^^
I would really love to win it, they look really great !
I’d love a quality icon set. Thanks for the chance to win one!
It is always hard to find the best collection of useful icons and this one looks the best.
Would love to win this !!
Would love to use them on great projects. Good iconography is inspiring and leads to better emotion capture.
I have just started exploring web designs and started a small start up. So will help me to serve my clients. Please pick me!!
It would be great to have this icon pack. I’m a student and can’t afford this, so it would be very welcome!
I would really like to win this… i’m a huge fan of icons…
I want to win because we use for all my projects.
We would like to use these for a series of projects we have lined up. One would be to use it on FireNews (Adobe Fireworks newsletter).
If I win, I will use this icons to mobile APPs written in Phonegap (HTML5, CSS3, JS)
Designs look great, I’d love to use these on projects. Thanks!
I would use these to help improve my designs. I am a one man show and a developer first, but things like this can help improve my designs and my design skills.
Very nice icons. We would love to win these..
Would love a set of web icons to use on my projects, would save a bunch of time when it comes to creating icons for clients!
Sweet! I’d love to use these beautiful icons for my project. Hope for the best! Thnks ?
These icons will help with with so many projects and ideas! I would be very honor and super grateful to win them! =)
Because they’re beautifull! Good luck.
I NEVER WANT TO LOSE… a single chance that can beautify my projects with these icons.
These icons look nice and well design. Love to used it in my projects.
GrEaT IcOnS… JuSt LoVe tHeM… pLusSeD oNe, TwEeTeD iT, LiKeD iT….
mY tWeEt – https://twitter.com/#!/agnel_waghela/status/192501238439493632
mY fB sTaTuS – https://www.facebook.com/agnelwaghela/timeline/story?ut=76&wstart=1333263600&wend=1335855599&hash=-1442036217309506192&pagefilter=3
I need to win these icon set!!
These icons would be great for any commercial projects – and invaluable in speeding up workflow, from design mockup to design implementation.
Will be really useful for new project
because i am really lame in designing and i would appreciate the value of this giveaway more then anyone
In Italy there is slump 😀
would love to use these in new designs and web projects. nice giveaway. thanks.
I would love to win these icons as it would help improve my web designs currently and inspire me for further cleaner designs
Because they are gorgeous!
Because its worth $99.
These web icon s make my web designs more impressive
I’m not good in Icon design and there arn’t many free ones with a good look. so for my upcoming projects would be a very nice if I grab a membership. 🙂
I want to win, because this set(s) can improve my work-level and give some inspiration.
I’d love to use this in some upcoming projects, professionally designed icons always brings designs up to the next level.
this is the only website which gives d best web designing experince ….every day comes with a new surprising giveaway (source code ) gives us idea how to implement our skills to web design projects .
Nice icons. I would like to use them in my business DMS web app. Thanks.
Because winning makes winners win more!
Would love to have these in my inventory. I’m not creative enough to create them myself.
I would love to win this icon set so I can make my icons more valuable than $99 🙂
I want it!
Please please pretty please with a cherry on top!
Icooonsshh… precious shiny icons…. 🙂
I produce my services for years offering ad-free and free of charge. It would be nice if I would use what may be at no cost. 🙂