From our partner: The AI visual builder for Next.js & Tailwind: Generate UI with AI. Customize it with a visual editor.
In this giveaway you can win one of 3 Business Plan Memberships ($99 each) from Web Icon Set!
About Web Icon Set
Web Icon Set provides professional and quality royalty-free stock icons for designers. By joining their membership, you can access to over 1,000+ premium icons including Pictograms, Stock Icons and Mini Icons with a much much more affordable subscription fee. All of the icons are perfect for websites, web applications and wireframes creation. Check out their Free Icons too.
If you have a blog, website, email list or Twitter account then you can join the Affiliate Program and earn a 40% commission on every new member who joined the membership.
How to win
To enter the giveaway just leave your comment below and tell us why you’d like to win.
Good luck!
This giveaway ended on April 24, 2012 at 6 p.m. GMT+0.
The Winners
We are happy to announce the following winners of the giveaway:
Congratulations, you will be contacted shortly!
Thank you all for participating!
We never know, I may win ! 🙂
I want to win because being a winner feels me good and most important this set of icons is very useful for a designer who create website and serve the internet.
One more thing is worth share is that CODROPS has very attracting design which attract visitors and also learners. Thanks for all.
i want to win because i need!
Love to win this icon set. It so nice to be used in my projects.
why not? (hehe…) can’t have enough incons….
One more package into my collections 🙂
I want to win because the winner will get a set of cool and useful icons… you can’t get too much icons XD
Pick me! I’m a user interface designer, and these sets are the holy grail of glyphs & icons!
Because these are just perfect.