WordPressThemeShock Giveaway

Win one of 10 Shock Bundles from WordpressThemeShock with many Wordpress themes, icons and templates

In today’s giveaway you can win one of 10 licenses of the premium product of WordPressThemeShock, the The Shock Bundle which contains 107 premium WP themes (with tons of features), about 30000 icons from its partner Iconshock and 28000 additional icons (14000 Android, 14000 iPhone icons, 427 credit card icons and 150 social icons), 75 XHTML templates, 50 web design sets, 25 vector sets, 500 logo templates and more.

WordPressThemeShock also offers 3 amazing and huge free bundles containing a bunch of useful resources for web and wordpress professionals, they are fully loaded with WordPress themes, icon sets, HTML, CSS and PSD themes, vector sets, web design sets and more. You will surely be shocked with these free packs!

Follow @webdesignshock on Twitter for even more resources, freebies and articles around web design.

Check out some demos:









To enter the giveaway, simply add your comment below and tell us why you’d like to have The Shock Bundle.

Good luck to everyone!

This giveaway has ended on 19th of March 2012 at 6 p.m. GMT+0.

The Winners

We are happy to announce the following winners of the giveaway:

Congratulations, you will be contacted shortly!

Thank you for participating!


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Feedback 202

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  1. I’m currently studying web design and wordpress will be a big part of what I hope to do in the future. I’d love to win this bundle. Thanks!

  2. I like to have good, professional resources to offer to my clients and this appears to fit the bill.

  3. I’d love win this because everything it that bundle is shockingly awesome.

  4. I’d love to have the shock Bundle as it’s a unique collection of great looking, modern themes and icons.

  5. Very good resources for my webdesign needs. I would certainly like to have them!

  6. Until now i always created my own cms to manage my blog about web development. I want to switch to wordpress because using a production ready tool like wordpress will save me time and allow me to concentrate on something else. I never switched because i had no nice template for wordpress that i could use. Im not a designer so i can’t do a template myself. My site is very ugly right now. If i win this contest i will use one of the templates to finally switch to wordpress and have a beautifull blog ;).

  7. I’d love to win as I’m learning how to build WordPress themes in more detail and having 107 themes at my disposal would be an incredible resource to learn from.

  8. I would love to win this amazing bundle. Then I would be able to to update all of my WordPress sites with this awesome themes. 🙂

  9. Not only because these designs are really beautiful – i´m starting to develop themes for wordpress and this bundle would be a really good start!

  10. Guys, your themes are amazing! That is the reason i want them 🙂 It’s a great collection!

  11. would love the themes new to Word Press and I’m loving it …… A famous quote from COOKIE MONSTER “Me want cookie!” Me Want The Shock Bundle. Yummmm Yummmmm

  12. I’m an italian young freelance web designer and I’d like to get all those resources to make my works faster, giving my “low-budget” customers, a great product spending less time for writing… 107 themes would be very important for me!!

  13. I’d like to win the bundle because I’m lazy when webdesigning. We all are. At least, I have the decency to admit it in this comment. Can I win? please please, please? 🙂

  14. “Why?”

    You probably mean “Why not?“.

    This package looks great, just count me in!

  15. I’d love to win because I’m searching for new wordpress templates for my blog. These are amazing. Thank you for the giveaway !

  16. Great bundle!
    As an young Designer without much money, i always want a complete collection with things i daily need.

    Greetings from germany!

  17. Most themes are so bland, lacking in anything that the designers think will turn someone off, but these themes actually have a lot of character. I’ve got a few different sites still running the base WordPress theme, so I could really use these. Thanks for running these contests!

  18. Learn a man how to fish so he can eat all his life

    Give me those templates so i can make better design ! 🙂

  19. Just took down my site for a full overhaul; nothing like the inspiration of new resources to fuel a new iteration of awesome.

  20. I am a wordpress “noobi” and I would like to have one of these themes because I think it will jelp a lot to my star up.

    Thank you and good luck all!

  21. WOW, that’s amazing. I’d like to have it so that we can change up our blogs and use awesome shock themes.
    all the goodies add to the excitement.

  22. I am Starting a Web Design Agency so, i am Looking for Some Good Looking Designs and i am sure that WordPressThemeShock will definitely fulfills my requirement. And not but not the least , i am a huge fan of WordPressThemeShock team and so my sincere suggestion to WordPressThemeShock team is please Provide your bundles ( whether free or premium ) in small parts so that we can download then with out any problems as direct Downloading of huge file at a time is a Big problem for users with low Internet speed.You Guys Rock !

  23. My standard html website needs to be redesigned and wordpress is a really good option. Organika is the perfect design for it! It makes me want to start working with wordpress

  24. i would like to use that themes on some of my projects to make more money and get new toys for my kids.