No. 848,  Monday, June 10, 2024   View in browser

Collective Cover

Olรก, frontend friends! ๐Ÿ‘‹

Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Weโ€™re back with a fresh edition packed with interesting reads. Matt Perry dives into the continued relevance of Framer Motion for web animations, while Adam Monsen shares insights on self-hosting in his book "Steadfast Self-Hosting".

Lea Verou introduces a new CSS function for enhancing readability, and Jorge Manrubia explores the complexities of popover components.

Plus, don't miss the Ludic Framework, the game-changing Maneken mockup creator, and more!

Happy learning!

Video Vault

Animation Spotlight

MLS solution by Milkinside

WebGL and GSAP Motion by Corentin Bernadou

Demo Corner

โ“Did you know thatโ€ฆ

โ€ฆthe first hackathon was held by OpenBSD in June 1999 in Calgary, Canada, where developers from around the world integrated the first IPv6 and IPSEC stacks into an operating system in just one week? This groundbreaking event, coined "hackathon" by Theo de Raadt or Niels Provos, marked the start of a tradition that continues to drive innovation in the OpenBSD community.

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