No. 837,  Thursday, May 2, 2024   View in browser

Collective Cover

Olá, frontend friends! 👋

We got lots of great stuff for you today, including many cool demos!

Chrome's got a fresh take on CSS masonry layouts, Stephen Band is printing music with CSS Grid, and Andy Bell has got some insights on CSS inheritance.

Luke Wroblewski is talking product value, and Raymond Camden is exploring chat integration with Google Gemini. And of course, so much more!

Happy exploring!

Designing a top-notch online store is tough because lots of things have to fit together just right. But "Escape Coffee" by TUX, this week's winner, shows how to do it amazingly well. It's unique and detailed, standing out with its cool design ideas.

Standout Web Design Picks

Sites built with Webflow

Build with the power of code — without writing any

In collaboration with Webflow, we’re thrilled to present this roundup, featuring a handpicked selection of awe-inspiring websites.

Video Vault

Animation Spotlight

Manu Bañó – Works V.1 by Ivan Gorbunov

Demo Corner

❓Did you know that… 1997, Eric S. Raymond published "The Cathedral and the Bazaar," a seminal essay reflecting on the principles of the hacker community and free software? The paper gained widespread attention in early 1998 and played a role in motivating Netscape Communications Corporation to release their Netscape Communicator Internet suite as free software. This pivotal moment highlighted the growing influence of open-source philosophy on the tech industry, shaping the future of software development and distribution.

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