No. 836,  Monday, April 29, 2024   View in browser

Collective Cover

Olá, frontend friends! 👋

In this edition we have some nice finds for you.

Don McCurdy takes us on a journey through the mesmerizing world of emission and bloom effects in 3D rendering.

Ever wondered about the history behind those mysterious User-Agent strings? Niels Leenheer's got you covered in his article series.

Plus, learn about the official release of the Popover API across all major browsers and check out Endless Tools for creating stunning designs with ease.

And, of course, much more!

Happy exploring!

The newest animation software in the Lottie ecosystem, SVGator, now allows you to import Lottie. You can also create from scratch or edit, animate with the tool’s advanced features, and export an unlimited number of Lottie animations, all entirely free. 

Animate Lottie Now 👉


Video Vault

Animation Spotlight

Textures & Forms by Zhenya Rynzhuk

Demo Corner

❓Did you know that…

…the hashtag symbol, originally known as the pound sign or hash symbol (#), has deep roots in information technology? It was first used in the assembly language of the PDP-11 in 1970 to denote immediate address mode and later introduced in the C programming language around 1973 to indicate special keywords. In 1988, the pound sign found new significance within IRC networks, labeling groups and topics. This IRC usage inspired Chris Messina to propose a similar tagging system on Twitter in 2007, marking the birth of the hashtag as a way to categorize and discover topics of interest on social media.

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