<div class="container container-1">
  <img src="http://tympanus.net/codrops-playground/assets/images/cssref/properties/mix-blend-mode/scene.jpg" alt="Nature scene.">
<div class="container container-2">
  <img src="http://tympanus.net/codrops-playground/assets/images/cssref/properties/mix-blend-mode/scene.jpg" alt="Nature scene.">
<div class="container container-3">
  <img src="http://tympanus.net/codrops-playground/assets/images/cssref/properties/mix-blend-mode/scene.jpg" alt="Nature scene.">
  <img src="http://tympanus.net/codrops-playground/assets/images/cssref/properties/mix-blend-mode/bird.jpg" alt="Bird image." class="source">
<div class="container container-4">
* {
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body {
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.container-2 {
  /* uncomment this if you want to isolate the contents of the container */

  opacity: .99;

.container-1 img {
  max-width: 100%;
  mix-blend-mode: luminosity;

.container-1 h1,
.container-2 h1 {
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.source {
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  width: 100%;
  mix-blend-mode: overlay;

.container-4 {
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.container-4 h1 {
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.container-4 h1 span {
  display: block;
  color: deepPink;

.container-4 h1 span:last-child {
  margin-top: -1em;
  color: #1AD6AC;
  mix-blend-mode: difference;