Double-click the area or try the demos


Welcome to the jStickyNote demo page!

Here you can see some examples of how to use the jQuery plugin. By default you can simply double-click on the above area, and a sticky note with a predefined note will appear.

You can drag and drop this sticky note within the gray content area.

Click on the cross in the left upper corner of the note to remove it.

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Demo 1

Clicking Demo 1 will create a large editable sticky note.

Enter a note and click on the "ok" icon in the right lower corner of the note to create it.

Demo 2

This demo shows how you can create a small sticky note.

It is created just like in Demo 1.

This sticky note can be dragged and dropped into any part of the page.

Demo 3

In this example a sticky note can be created with a red text color. This is one of the customizable properties in the plugin.

The sticky note can be dragged and dropped into any part of the page, just like in Demo 2. The sticky note that you drag will always stay on top of the others.